- Cornell University Medical College, Medical Foods, A Case Study.
- Michael J. Fox Foundation, Evaluation of neuroprotective ability of Zymes’ water-soluble CoQ10 in animal models of PD: preclinical validation and dose optimization for clinical study.
- Overlook Hospital psychiatric outpatient clinic, Food and Mood
- Michael J. Fox Foundation, Progress report: Evaluation of neuroprotective ability of Zymes’ water-soluble CoQ10 in animal models of PD: preclinical validation and dose optimization for clinical study.
- Gerontology Society of America, Inhibition of premature senescence of fibroblast cells from Alzheimer’s Disease Patients by water-soluble coenzyme Q10.
- Experimental Biology, Protection of SNpc neurons by water soluble CoQ10 in paraquat-induced rat model of Parkinson’s disease: the role of neurotrophic factors.
- Invited speaker, NJ Technology Center Forum on Nanotechnology in Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics.
- Invited speaker, 12 Annual Drug Delivery Technologies and Deal Making, New Brunswick, NJ.
- American Society for Nutrition, online, 2020
- American College of Nutrition, online, 2020
- Obesity: Etiology, Prevention and Treatment, New York, NY, 2017, 2018, 2019
- Personalized Nutrition: Translating the Science of NutriGenomics into Practice, Seattle, WA 2018
- The 14th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems, Maui, Hawaii, 2017
- Disrupting Cancer: The Role of Personalized Nutrition, Alexandria, VA, October 2017
- Institute of Functional Medicine, Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice, June 2017
- Micronutrient Forum Global Conference, ‘Positioning Women’s Nutrition at the Centre of Sustainable Development, Cancun, Mexico 2016
- American College of Nutrition, “Translational Nutrition: Optimizing Brain Health, Orlando, FL, 2015
- NutritionPro, Medical Nutrition Therapy in Practice, Orlando, FL 2015
- American College of Nutrition, “Turning Research into Practice”, San Antonio, TX 2014
- American College of Nutrition, “Controversies in Nutrition”, San Diego, CA 2013
- Assessing Malnutrition Globally, NYC 2013
- American Society of Nutrition, Boston, April 2013
- American College of Nutrition, “Overfed and Undernourished”, November 2012
- New York Academy of Sciences, Sixth Annual Parkinson’s Disease Therapeutic Conference, October 2012
- Healthy Kitchens, Healthy Lives, Culinary Institute of American and Harvard Medical School, March 2010
- AAFP – Nutrition and Heart Disease, May 2010
Tang, W, et al. Enhanced stability and clinical absorption of a form of encapsulated vitamin A for food fortification. PNAS, Applied Biol. Sci. 2022; 119 (51).
Anselmo AC, Xu X, Burkli S, Zeng YY, Tang W, McHugh KJ, Behrens AM, Rosenberg E, Duan A, Sugarman JL, Zhuang J, Collins J, Lu X, Graf T, Tzeng S, Rose S, Nguyen T, Le X, Guerra AS, Freed LE, Weinstock S, Sears C, Nikolic B, Wood L, Oxley J, Moretti D, Zimmermann M, Langer R, Jaklenec A. A heat-stable microparticle platform for oral micronutrient delivery. Sci. Transl. Med. 2019; 11(518), eaaw368.
Muthukumaran K, Leahy S, Harrison K, Sikorska, S, Sandhu, JK, Cohen, J, Keshan C, Lopatin D, Miller H, Borowy-Borowski H, Lanthier P, Weinstock S, Pandey S. Orally delivered water-soluble Coenzyme Q10 (Ubisol-Q10) blocks on-going neurodegeneration in rats exposed to paraquat: potential for therapeutic application in Parkinson’s disease. BMC Neuroscience 2014; 15(1):21.
Lee, KY, Bae, ON, Weinstock S, Kassab M, Majid A. Neuroprotective effect of Asiatic acid in rat model of focal embolic stroke. Biol Pharm Bull. 2014;37(8):1397-401.
Muthukumaran K, Leahy S, Harrison K, Sikorska M, Sandhu JK, Cohen J, Keshan C, Lopatin D, Miller H, Borowy-Borowski H, Lanthier P, Weinstock S, Pandey S Orally delivered water soluble Coenzyme Q10 (Ubisol-Q10) blocks on-going neurodegeneration in rats exposed to paraquat: potential for therapeutic application in Parkinson’s disease. BMC Neurosci. 2014 Jan 31;15:21.
Cherry CL, Mobarok M, Wesselingh SL, Fain R, Weinstock S, Tachedjian G, Srivastava S, Tyssen DP, Glass JD, Hooker DJ. Coenzyme Q10 is Superior to Acetyl-L-Carnitine for Preventing NRTI-Associated Toxic Neuropathy in an in vitro Curr HIV Res. 2010 Apr;8(3):232-9.